Bowls & Cutlery

Best Seller
Coconut Bowl
Coconut Bowl - Zero Waste Club - _label_Best Seller, Biodegradable, Bowls & Cutlery, Extra Tree, Gifts, Natural, Plastic Free, Zero Waste Club - The Ideal Sunday
Zero Waste Club
Coconut Bowl
Bamboo Travel Cutlery Set
Bamboo Travel Cutlery Set - Zero Waste Club - Biodegradable, Bowls & Cutlery, Extra Tree, Gifts, Natural, Plastic Free, Vegan Friendly, Zero Waste Club - The Ideal Sunday
Zero Waste Club
Bamboo Travel Cutlery Set
Bamboo Cutlery & Straw Set
Bamboo Cutlery & Straw Set - Green Island - Bowls & Cutlery, Compostable, Green Island, Natural, Plastic Free, Recyclable, Vegan Friendly - The Ideal Sunday
Green Island
Bamboo Cutlery & Straw Set

Bowls & Cutlery at The Ideal Sunday

Bamboo and coconut are great renewable resources that are perfect for making bowls and cutlery that can be used at home or on the go.

Not only are they eco-friendly they look beautifully stylish and are hard wearing so therefore long lasting.

Ditch the disposables and enjoy your next picnic with sustainable and reusable bowls and cutlery.