The Eco Journal

Shellebrating World Turtle Day
World Turtle day was founded by American Tortoise in 2000 As most of you will know, some of the world's most endangered species are Chelonia (turtles and tortoises to you and I). A lack of understanding, increased fishing, pollution, habitat...
Taking Care Of Ourselves This Mental Health Awareness Week
During the pandemic it's become more apparent than ever that we need to look after our mental health just as much as our physical health. If we have a pain we're quick to recognise and take care of it, but...
Reintroducing The Ideal Sunday
We're back! You may have noticed we’ve been a little quiet for the last couple of months. We’ve been busy working hard on a brand new website to make it even easier to find the awesome and eco-friendly products you’re looking...
Planning for Plastic Free July 2020
Plastic Free July is a global movement made up of millions of people, like you, to encourage the reduction of single-use plastics. The challenge is to eliminate the use of at least one type of single-use plastic for the month of July....
Introducing The Ideal Sunday Rewards
We have now introduced The Ideal Sunday loyalty program to help you save on the products you love. You can join our loyalty program by simply creating an account here. We offer a couple of ways to earn rewards. EARN REWARD...
Big News: Gift Cards are here!
Are you struggling to come up with a good gift idea for a friend or family member? Maybe they are difficult to buy for or maybe you know they'd like something eco-friendly but can't quite figure out what they need. Whatever your reason,...
COVID-19 Update
Hey everyone, I hope that you’re all staying safe and keeping healthy through these unprecedented times. I understand it can be mentally draining to self isolate and not go crazy, especially when the weather is so nice out there ☀️...
Australia is finally free of bushfires… What's next?
You may have seen the amazing news that for the first time since July last year, Australia has been declared free from the terrifying bushfires that erupted over the Christmas and New Year period. As an Australian, with family and...