How we plant trees to offset our carbon emissions and how you can too

Every species of tree around the world plays an important part in our eco-system not least due to the sheer amount of animals who make them their home and use them as a food source but trees are also the most effective solution to climate change. 

An article written by the BBC's Environmental correspondent states "Researchers say an area the size of the US is available for planting trees around the world, and this could have a dramatic impact on climate change. The study shows that the space available for trees is far greater than previously thought, and would reduce CO2 in the atmosphere by 25%. The authors say that this is the most effective climate change solution available to the world right now." 

Planting trees to save our planet

As you may know, here at The Ideal Sunday we're pretty passionate about how trees benefit the environment and how they are a great way to offset your carbon footprint. That's why we partnered with Ecologi to plant trees for every order we receive, it's just a way of giving back to something we all really appreciate but often take for granted.

Ecologi was founded by three friends from Bristol, their aim was to build a platform for great climate action by partnering with individuals and businesses all over the world to plant more trees as well as assisting with their other climate initiatives in the quest to reduce carbon. A massive 85% of all money they receive goes to climate projects with only 15% going to running Ecologi, something they're extremely transparent with. 

Partnering with the Eden Reforestation Projects millions of trees are being planted every month with Ecologi currently supporting their project in Madagascar. 

Have you seen our very own digital forest? 

One of the best features of Ecologi is the Digital Forest. The Digital Forest is a place to find out more about the impact you've made. You can find out where the trees were planted, how they are maturing and photos of the progress being made in that area.

Carbon Reduction Projects

What's more, Ecologi go beyond just planting trees. They also support a range of carbon reduction projects that are certified at the very highest level by Gold Standard and equivalent.

Below the Digital Forest you can see the projects supported by The Ideal Sunday each month and how much CO2 each has removed. This month our projects were Protecting old-growth rainforest in Peru and Turning waste biogas into electricity in Thailand.

Ecologi makes the data easy to interpret with infographics that help you visualise the impact our monthly efforts have had including how many flights and car miles it's equivalent to in CO2 as well as how many metres of sea ice have been saved. 

Did you know you can plant trees too? 

We are really proud to partner with Ecologi and plant a tree for every order but what we really love seeing is how our wonderful customers are planting trees too. 

Planting extra trees is easy! To get started you can head to our Tree Planting, or Plant A Tree pages or once you add any item to your Bag, you'll see a button to add extra trees to your order.

At the end of every month we count how many trees have been added to thee bag and donate all of these proceeds to Ecologi!

How you can get involved

As well as planting trees when you shop with us, you can easily sign up for a personal account with Ecologi for a small monthly fee which will help offset your carbon footprint.

Head here to sign up. 

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