Plastic Free July Week 3 - Your Guide To A Plastic Free Bathroom

Woah, we're half way there..... week 3 of plastic free July already! Well done to those sticking with it cutting down on single use plastic. It's been a positive week here with life much more settled and back in a routine I've been able to get back in the game and think more clearly about my plastic free alternatives. 

Plastic Free July really has made me question a lot of companies and their needless use of plastic packaging. For example, we, like most of the country, were watching the Euro's final and of course we thought we'd mark the occasion with a few beers. Off to the supermarket I go and in my search found 2 identical options. Both boxes contained the same number of cans, one box was 5p cheaper, an option I'd usually be suckered in to (every little helps right?!) However, the cheaper box - of sealed and waterproof cans, perfectly secured in a sturdy box - was completely covered in plastic!! Why? It was just one example in a very long list of needless and quite frankly senseless plastic use. You'll be glad to know I paid the 5p extra, went plastic free and tweeted the company to do better. 

Plastic Free Bathroom

This week we're looking at alternatives to plastic in the bathroom, another hot spot for sneaky plastics and non recyclables. The bathroom is one of the first places I started to cut down on plastics. There are tonnes of alternatives out there and that's why this week will have our biggest collection of plastic free alternatives. To get you started we've listed some of our favourites and best sellers. 

Plastic Free Soap Bars

There's an ever increasing choice when it comes to soap bars with just about every scent you can imagine available from at least one company. The beauty of soap bars, as well as being plastic free, is that they're typically made from natural ingredients, all of our soap bars certainly are, which means not only are they kinder to the planet, they're kinder to you too. 

Shop for soap bars

Plastic Free Cleaning Sprays

Did you know that when you buy a bottle of bathroom spray, you're pretty much buying 90% water (depending on manufacturer). Water that has been shipped numerous miles just to get to you. With refillable cleaning sprays such as Ocean Saver, you're only shipping the small, lightweight pouch and then using the water from your tap to dilute it. There's tonnes of options for types of cleaning and scents too so it's a great way to cut out single use plastic. 

Shop for plastic free cleaning sprays

Reusable Stainless Steel Razor

Not only are reusable razors better for the planet, they're better for you. They give you a much closer shave and minimise shaving rash and other irritations. Each blade typically lasts around 6 shaves which makes them super economical too. Once a blade has come to the end of its life it can be easily recycled with your normal metal recycling, just make sure it's secure inside something else metal or even better use a razor blade disposal tin which can be fully recycled once full. 

Shop for reusable plastic free razors

Plastic Free Shampoo Bars

Just like their soap counterparts, shampoo bars are the perfect way to reduce plastic in your bathroom. They've come a long way from the early days and most don't require any transition period or additional products to be used. There's a huge range available for all hair types including curly and long hair. 

Shop for shampoo bars

Plastic Free Toothpaste

Toothpaste tubes are bad news for the environment even though many now claim to be recyclable. Great alternatives are toothpaste tablets or powers. They're also much less messy than toothpaste and don't take up a lot of room. You won't compromise n oral hygiene and care as most are available with or without fluoride. 

Shop plastic free toothpaste

Plastic Free Toilet Roll 

Another product that really has no need to be wrapped in plastic, toilet roll can easily be either wrapped in paper or boxed. Let's face it the only reason it's wrapped is to keep it clean and in the pack size and if like me you've ever put down the pack in a shower puddle you'll know the plastic wrap is not much good at keeping it dry. 

Shop plastic free toilet roll

Don't forget to use this week's discount code BATHROOM15 for 15% off some of our best products to help you go plastic free this July. 

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